10 Surprising Information about The Amazon River

The Amazon River is one of the most magnificent water bodies in the world. Besides being one of the world’s largest and longest rivers, there are plenty of other facts about the forest which are interesting and worthwhile to learn. For starters, here are a few surprising information about the Amazon River.

10 The Amazon River Is Arguably A long River Within the World

While the Nile is often credited as the longest river on the planet having a period of 6,695 km (4160 miles), the Amazon River often disputes claiming. Based on the Guinness World Records, when the Par estuary – probably the most distant mouth from the Amazon River – is measured, then your total length will indefinitely stand at 6,750 km (4,195 miles). Another scientists even claimed the length from the river was 6,992 km thereby creating more confusion and leaving the actual entire Amazon River open for future debates. With this particular, it’s reliable advice the Amazon is arguably the longest river on the planet.

9 It Is Unarguably The Largest River On the planet By Volume Of Water

The debate concerning the longest river in the world may continue between the Nile and the Amazon however when it comes to volume (or size), the Amazon River doesn't have rival. With an average discharge volume of 209,000 m3/s, it is the largest river on the planet. This massive freshwater relieve the Amazon River goes straight into the Atlantic, diluting the sea’s salinity to have an section of approximately 2,500,000 km².

8 The River Is Home To The Amazon River Dolphin

The Amazon River Dolphin is renowned for its massive growth and it is unique pink color. This adult male types of this dolphin grows up to two.5 m and accumulates a weight of 185 kg during its lifetime. This will make it the largest types of river dolphin on the planet.

7 The Amazon River Spans Several Countries

The massive length and size of the Amazon River span several South American countries namely – Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela before ending within the Atlantic. The River Basin; however, is shared by nine countries with Brazil taking up 60%, Peru taking 13%, and Colombia taking 10%. Another countries which include – Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela occupy the rest of the 17%.

6 The Amazon River Once Flowed The Opposite Direction

At the moment, the Amazon River flows in an easterly direction in to the Atlantic, but this wasn't always the case. In olden days, into the millions years back, the Amazon River flowed westward however this changed whenever a tilt on your lawn caused a reversal in the river’s flow eastward. This fascinating change is believed to become the result of erosion and a series of geological occurrences that preceded the separation from the continents – Africa and South usa.

5 The Amazon Rainforest Is The World’s Richest Tropical Forest In Terms Of Biodiversity

The Amazon Rainforest Occupies the drainage basin from the Amazon River as well as in relation to biodiversity, this massive rainforest is the richest on the planet. The Amazon Rainforest hosts millions of insect species, 40,000 plant species, and 2000 birds and mammals and is also the place to find some 390 billion individual trees.

4 The Name Was Taken From Greek Mythology

The name “Amazon” is really a name in Greek Mythology accustomed to identify several female warriors who fought alongside men in battle. The name was handed to this mighty South American River with a person called – Francisco de Orellana. He was the first European explorer of this region and he got the idea after his expedition was attacked by a number of warriors led by women.

3 The Amazon River Is 11 Million Years Old

The mighty Amazon River has been around for any long time. While its current form dates to 2.4 million years back, research from two boreholes drilled close to the river shows that this river was initially a transcontinental river some 11 million years ago. This makes the Amazon River pretty young when compared to a number of other rivers around the world that date as far back as 300 million years ago and more.

2 The Amazon River Originates In Peru

The Amazon River has numerous debates surrounding it. Its length is a while its origin is yet another. The forest is so complicated that many sources have been designated its origin on different occasions in the Maranon River to the Ucayali River, and even Mismi Peak in the Andes of Peru. Just a couple years back, several authors claimed that the river’s true origin is based on the Mantaro River in Peru. Obviously, the Amazon River has different sources but since the Mantaro river is the most distant source, it's now been regarded as the mighty river’s main origin, however, there are still debates surrounding this issue. Even though the river has many sources, it is important to note that they're all situated in Peru.

1 There Aren't any Bridges Over the River

One would believe that this type of popular water body had a bridge that connected the land across the river’s edges to aid transportation but there isn’t. It’s only the river, trees, and endless views of the sky. The only method to get over the river is as simple as boat and this insufficient infrastructure helps the region retain its natural appeal.